SEMIOSIS 101 Video #1: The Elephant in the Design Studio

The first video on the new Scouse-Scot Semiosis 101 YouTube channel is now live… The Elephant in the Design Studio. This is one of the first of two scene-setting videos that quickly introduces viewers to the two forms of semiotic theory, that allows me to begin to discuss Peirce’s Semiosis theory on Semiosis 101. The main section is only 10 minutes of key explanation on the Semiotic Journey.

The video was adapted from a conference presentation I made back in 2019 at the International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference (IASDR 2019) at my old university Manchester Metropolitan University. The semiotic academic paper was called Little Designer in Theoryland: A Designer-centric Approach to Understanding Theory and can also be accessed via my Profile link .

Do you want to watch the video? Well it can be viewed directly on the Scouse-Scot website homepage until Wednesday 3 August 2022. Then you can find The Elephant in the Design Studio video in the archive of the Scouse-Scot Semiosis 101 YouTube channel. Check it out. Follow the link above on the Scouse-Scot website homepage.


3 IS BETTER THAN 2: Semiosis for Designers and Illustrators (SEMIOSIS 101 Video #2)


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